Key signs your light makes you a spiritual terrorist

As most of the people experience their own lives through low frequencies such as hate, jealousy and fear; workers of true light become a serious threat to the entire system which can not function without darkness.

Being founded on very low vibrations, the matrix is totally allergic to those who manifest true light in the third dimension. As such, anyone who dares to expose the matrix, is harshly persecuted by the system.

Always an alive fish against the current of this world, my inner light has always tried to expose the evil vibrations that rule this prison planet. Lately, as I am maturing into a man of the Most High, I do feel that my light is turning me in what I would like to label as a spiritual terrorist.

Been spiritually awake for almost seven years now, I am going to share with the spiritual community the key signs which prove that someone's light turns them into a spiritual terrorist.


You show no fear when it comes to exposing the powerful kingdoms of the earth


Being a planet ruled by very low frequencies, all kingdoms of the earth are being founded on the hierarchy of darkness. Slaves of the materialistic stuff, most of the people support the kingdoms of the earth due to the fact that they rip benefits from them. Since the kingdoms of the earth feed on the dark energy, the true light is a serious threat to them, since it exposes them.

While most of the people are busy feeding the matrix without being aware of it, as a worker of true light, you show no fear when it comes to speak the truth against the earthly kingdoms. Fearing not the persecution like the most, you let your light expose the darkness on which the most powerful kingdoms of the earth are being built upon.

Although the agents of darkness may threaten you with your physical life, you do not fear and you keep exposing their kingdoms of evil.

A truth seeker, your light exposes earthly kingdoms like United States Of America, kingdoms of the Beast that are being built upon exploiting the resources of others.


You expose and share mind programming techniques used by powerful intelligence agencies 

Intelligence agencies of the most powerful kingdoms of the earth have developed their own mind controlling programs with the main purpose of easily controlling the masses and exploiting countries part of the third world.

Prey of the low frequencies which rule the planet earth, most of the people are not aware of the mind programming which they go through daily. Like zombies programmed to follow instructions, they do not question anything. They just follow the program of the matrix.

As a worker of true light, you see it as your mission to open the eye to those who are deeply manipulated by dark rulers of this dimension. Having knowledge on the mind programming agendas of the most powerful countries, you do share them online with the rest of the world.


You righteously attack and expose religious leaders that brainwash the masses for their personal agendas  

Having no knowledge of self at all, most of the people seek salvation outside of themselves. By doing so, they easily fall prey to those who come as shepherds, but are predatory wolves in the inside.

Almost through the entire history of the humanity, many religious leaders have misused the word of the Most High with the main purpose of achieving their ego based objectives.

Nowadays there are many wolves in sheep clothes that use the Holy Bible to manipulate the lost sheep so they can get financially rich. As a worker of true light, it is your mission to expose wolves in sheep clothes, in order to stop them from manipulating people who seek real and genuine guidance.


You spread the word about powerful secret societies that influence and control the masses

 There are many secret societies which have been created upon occult knowledge; societies that have control over politicians of the earthly kingdoms. Having secret wisdom, members of these secret societies influence the masses through different forms such as music videos, movies, books and even politics.

The serious problem is that these secret societies are not being founded on the true light, but on duality; their goal is to take advantage of the people, not to help them. Not only do these secret societies exploit grown people through their content, but also the little children. 

As a worker of true light, you spread the word among the people about these evil secret societies, with the main purpose of waking up those who are ready to receive the truth.     


You have a lot of spiritual wisdom, enough to start a self conscious movement

People who have knowledge on the inner self, are a serious threat to the matrix which can not function without darkness. Having knowledge on self, spiritual people do not follow blindly the different programs of the matrix.

For the matrix to exist, it needs sleepy people, people who live their own lives based on the low vibrations of the third dimension. The matrix needs people who are not aware of their higher selves; people who can easily be mind programmed to follow instructions like robots.    

As a worker of true lightyou have the required spiritual knowledge to start a self conscious movement which can initiate many people into the spiritual truths.


Final thoughts

Being a spiritual terrorist is not something your should be ashamed, but something you should be proud of. If your inner light is a threat to the matrix in which we currently experience the third dimension, it is because you are born to fight the spiritual war; not to turn off your light. 

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